The securities industry’s concern over the aging of the U.S. population, specifically, aging investors, has, apparently, reached a fever pitch. Yesterday in New York, SIFMA hosted its “Senior Investor Protection Conference – One Year Later: FINRA Rules 2165 and 4512,” and, for a securities conference, it received pretty extensive news coverage. I saw at least
The Nuts And Bolts Of FINRA’s New Financial Exploitation Rule
By Michael Gross on
A few weeks ago, I posted a blog about FINRA’s new rule concerning senior investors. My take was largely that the rule made sense, but only to the extent that it provides protections for BDs that encounter the need to share otherwise confidential information about a customer due to concerns about the customer’s health…
FINRA’s New Rules On Seniors: Let’s Protect Them From Their Own Bad Decisions?
By Alan Wolper on
We have written before about senior investors, but I saw a couple of things in the last couple of weeks that suggests this subject needs to be revisited.
First, back in February, the SEC got around to passing FINRA’s proposed rules to protect senior investors, including both new Rule 2165 and amendments to existing Rule…